

It’s been said that life is about the people you meet and the things you create together. Whether your interest is music, theater or visual art, you can move from building skills to creating original work at a high level. The opportunities are all here, from the Rock Band, to classes in digital design, to the chance to work one-on-one with a teacher to develop an outstanding portfolio for art school.

Art is a universal language through which we all can make dynamic, life-changing connections. The art program at Perkiomen creates connections that instill critical thinking, creative problem solving, aesthetic understanding and self-discipline. Students are able to explore their own limits and ultimately push well beyond them. Through art, students understand themselves and others better. The artistic literacy taught and encouraged at Perkiomen not only sets students on the right path toward being successful artists, but it also provides them with the tools necessary to become successful human beings.

The Fine Arts Department is inclusive of Visual Arts, Theater Arts, and both the Vocal and Instrumental Music programs. The Middle School program is required with the exception of performance. Middle School students take classes in all disciplines throughout their years in the school. The Upper School program is completely elective although the school requires that each student complete one Fine Arts credit to graduate.



Perkiomen Theatre students perform on stage

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, in 2021, instead of a winter musical, students performed an original, music-infused TV show entitled, The Perks. It was pre-recorded and viewed via Zoom. The students took the lead, creating their characters and designing the script, embodying the phrase, "the show must go on!"




      • Students will gain knowledge of aesthetics.
      • Students will be able to respond appropriately to their aesthetic environment.
      • Students will develop an understanding of the creative process as it is used in the production of a work of art.
      • Students will learn the elements and language of the arts.
      • Students will be able to describe ways of creating meaningful expressive effects through the manipulation of the elements.
      • Students will have the opportunity to practice the skills of their chosen discipline.
      • Students will have the opportunity to exhibit or perform works of art in their disciplines.
      • Students will understand how tools and materials can be used in the creation and refinement of ideas across the disciplines.
      • Students will learn to be part of a respectful and appreciative audience through attendance at performances and exhibitions.
      • Students will be able to make judgments about their own and other's works of art.


    We believe that the arts are important to the lives of everyone and that students must have the opportunity to experience the arts. Students should be encouraged to see the arts as a manifestation of the human experience and to relate their study of the arts to all other academic areas. Study of the arts promotes communication and self-expression. It is a study of how people interact with each other. The arts help us to become more discriminating. Just as students must acquire skills and tools in other academic disciplines, they can acquire measurable skills for the various art disciplines. The Fine Arts program provides our students with exposure to the arts and the opportunity to participate in a variety of artistic forms.