George K. and Lucy Allison Scholarship Fund: Established in 2014 by Former Perkiomen Headmaster George K. Allison and his wife, Lucy, to provide financial aid to a boarding student who demonstrates need and honor George’s many years as Headmaster and Lucy’s time as a Perkiomen educator
Alumni Memorial Scholarship Fund: Established by Scholarship Committee of the Board of Trustees and initial contributions solicited in memory of Mabel Gerhard Krieble, Class of 1904, for an alumni son or daughter with financial need
Winfield Baird Memorial Fund: To honor the experience of Winfield Baird, Class of 1920, and Harold S. Baird, Class of 1917, this was established by Baird Foundation and David Baird to help worthy students attend Perkiomen
Seth Arden Bardwell Scholarship Fund: Established by Frances T. Light in memory of her stepfather, Seth Arden Bardwell, Class of 1901
Walton and Elizabeth Bowen Scholarship Fund: Established in 1989 through the Estate of Walton, Class of 1930, and Elizabeth Bowen
Carlson-Travaglini Scholarship Fund: Formed by consolidating five individual funds honoring the following members of the Carlson-Travaglini family: Gunard O. Carlson, Margaret B. Carlson, Gunnard Berry Carlson, A.F. Travaglini, and Barbara Carlson Travaglini, to safeguard financial aid and help provide students in need with a unique and life-changing Perkiomen education and experience
Spero ’29 and Olive Custis Scholarship Fund: Established by Olive D. Custis to support a deserving boy and girl at Perkiomen
The Wayne E. Engle Scholarship Fund: Established in 2020 to honor the legacy of Wayne Engle's 40-year career at Perkiomen School. Recipients of the Engle Scholarship will demonstrate an eagerness for learning in and out of the classroom by exhibiting consistent effort, deliberate practice and full participation in all aspects of the Perkiomen program.
James B. Flaws ’67 Scholarship Fund: Established in 2016 by the recommendation of James B. Flaws and Marcia D. Weber, this need-based, financial aid fund honors James Flaws' experience as a one-year postgraduate student at Perkiomen
George F.C. Franks Scholarship Fund: Established by George F. C. Franks, Class of 1917, to provide a scholarship for worthy and deserving students
Griesemer-Hessanauer Scholarship Fund: Established in 2009 through the Estate of Ruth E. Blumer
Hartzell Scholarship Fund: Established by Violet S. Harzell in 1978 to help students with financial need
John A. Heydt ’70 and Florence E. Heydt P ’70 Memorial Scholarship Fund: Inspired by his student experience, John and his mother, Florence, were motivated by a desire to give all students access to a Perkiomen education, establishing this scholarship in 2000 as a need-based award.
Morris M. Hiltebeitel Student Aid Fund: Established in 1975 by Annie Hiltebeitel, Class of 1905, with award preference given to residents of Marlborough Township, Montgomery County
Walter Hollenbach Scholarship Fund: Established by Walter Hollenbach, Class of 1899, former Perkiomen educator
Guy B. Hunt Scholarship Fund: Established by William D. Hunt in 1987 in memory of his brother, Guy B. Hunt, Class of 1926, to be awarded to a student from New Jersey, with preference given to Cape May County
Irwin W. Kehs Memorial Scholarship Fund: Established by the Perkiomen School Alumni Association in 1968 to honor Irwin Kehs’ 39 years of service to Perkiomen
O. S. Kriebel Scholarship Fund: Created by the Board of Trustees in 1953
J. Russell Lee Scholarship Fund: Established by Edith Poole Fletcher in 2001
H.F. (Gerry) Lenfest Scholarship Fund: Established in 2009 by the Board of Directors of The Lenfest Foundation
James E. and Alma Mullen Scholarship Fund: Established in 1992 by James Mullen to be awarded to a student from the Upper Perkiomen Valley who has been active in extracurricular activities such as athletics, community service, church, and other youth organizations prior to and during attendance at Perkiomen School
Neiman and Subhawong Math/Science Scholarship Fund: Established in 2024 by Dr. Wade Neiman ’78 to be awarded to students with demonstrated financial need, giving preference to those who express strong interests in science and math
Carl and Margaret Pfrommer Scholarship Fund: Established by Carl Pfrommer, Class of 1936, and his wife, Margaret
The Randall Scholarship Fund: Established in 1959 by an anonymous Perkiomen graduate for a student in the upper third of his or her class
Winfield H. and Margaret W. Rosenberry Award: Established by Margaret Rosenberry and to be awarded to a student or students on the basis of character, academic achievement, and financial need
Alvin K. and Helen M. Rothenberger Scholarship Fund: Established through memorial donations for Alvin, Class of 1906, and Helen Rothenberger
Norman Schultz Scholarship Fund: Established in 1974 by Norman Schultz, Class of 1917
Robert M. Schumo Jr. ’78 Memorial Scholarship Fund: Established in 1980, in memory of Robert M. Schumo, Class of 1978, to be awarded to a student giving preference to those with interests in theatre and athletics, particularly lacrosse
Marian Stefano Scholarship Fund: Established in 1978 by the Board of Trustees to honor Marian Stefano for her loyalty, love, and concern for The Perkiomen School, spanning a period of more than 40 years
Tinnerholm Family Fund in honor of Karen, Carl Jr., and Eric: Established in 1999, this fund honors Karen, Carl Jr., and Eric, the children of longtime Perkiomen Trustee Carl F. Tinnerholm ’50 and his wife, Barbara
Trustees Scholarship Fund: Established in 1965 to assist deserving Perkiomen School students
Robert L. Wetter Athletic Scholarship Fund: Established by Pauline E. Wetter, wife of Robert L. Wetter, Class of 1925, to provide an athletic scholarship to a worthy student
Irma C. Wieand Memorial Fund: Established in 1951-1952 by the Wieand Family
John H. Willard and Marian R. Willard Scholarship Fund: Established in 1987 by John and Marian ’21 Willard